Arlington Presbyterian’s ongoing journey to
bridge the crossroads of
discipleship and community


Everyone has a story to tell. We’re a small Presbyterian congregation in Arlington, Virginia. We sold our building and our land to develop affordable housing and retail space. This is our story about how we did it.
Stand at the crossroads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:1
Our building stood near a major intersection in Arlington, Virginia. It saw many good years of worship, fellowship, and service. And then, one day we noticed that our community changed around us. As this awareness grew, so did our desire to explore what might be next for us as a congregation.
Gradually we came to understand that our ministry wasn’t to dwell at an intersection, but rather to live at a crossroads.
These stories are our experiences. They are our moments of frustration and excitement. We spent many years walking, talking, and discerning. So much so that it is part of our DNA now.
We hope you find what you are looking for, and if not, reach out. If this is a journey you want to take, you are not alone.
When you stand at the crossroads what do you see?
What story is waiting to be told in your community?
It takes a lot of imagination and hard work to build a community of discerning disciples. We’ve learned a lot along the way. Faithful and thoughtful leadership, asking good questions, and community partnerships are all vital. We’ve created a curriculum based some of the lessons we learned to help with your discernment.
If you want to know what loving your neighbors is all about, look at them with more than just your eyes. . . Try to know them for who they are inside their skins. Hear not just the words they speak but the words they do not speak.
Frederick Buechner
We thought we knew what we wanted when we began our journey. What evolved throughout this process goes beyond our initial imaginations.
Things are going to change when we seek to be led by the Spirit. The journey will be largely uncharted. It will be uncomfortable for many. We have to be willing to listen, pray, and discern each step along the path.
Even now, we continue to discern the movement of the Spirit as we partner with our community. Listening to our hearts break as we get to know our neighbors has become a way of life for us.
How does your heart break for your community?
What is the Spirit calling you to become?
Churches don’t have to take this journey alone. We want to be helpful. As you imagine what’s next, we’ve curated some resources to help guide your discernment.